
Oxford 2004

18 marzo 2012

Understand the purest poet ever existed and admire the finest city in the world. Feel the creativity and inspiration that emanate from its spires, flooding the streets with Romantic verses and endless strings of imagination. Let the tides guide you through the intricate streets of mesmerising beauty and fill your imagination with stories of centuries past. Let your mind rest in the fresh meadows behind Christ Church, stroll along the river Thames, inhale nature and culture at equal parts and let your mind be taken. Grasp a glimpse of Oxford and be amazed forever.

Wake up.

Give yourself an hour and a half and you’ll get to the centre of the rush and chaos. Roll down the stomach of the monster, stop at every corner to admire a newer, even more impressive sight. Take a futuristic train, roll from rooftop to rooftop and from skyscraper to skyscraper. Stop at point zero and admire the city under your feet. Hop on a bus, let it take you anywhere. It’ll be fine as long as you got a camera. Try a galactic outfit and dance to a music you don’t understand. Fall in love. Do whatever you feel like: in London noone would judge you bad.


2 comentarios

  1. Why have you deleted your old posts?…they were very nice!

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